Red Rock Elementary
School District
Home of the Raiders
flag football team

Our Faculty & Staff

The entire staff at Red Rock Elementary is dedicated to the success of each student. We believe in open lines of communication between home and school. If you ever have a question or concern about your child, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. You may send an email or call our office and leave a message. Our faculty and staff will contact you promptly.

District Administration

Peter Dwyer

Cathy Shull
Business Manager

Mayra Martinez
Human Resources/ Grants Coordinator

Aaron Bates
Technology Integration Analyst

School Administration

Stacey LeFager

Garrett Thorne
Assistant Principal/Athletics Director

Jennifer Bellah
Special Ed Program Coordinator

Lacey Elefant
Student Services/ Transportation

Certified Teachers/Specialists

Jessica Bren
Red Rock Preschool Teacher

Annette Ade

Tiffany Thiele
ESS Preschool Teacher

Billie Jo Villa

Deanna Blackhall
First Grade

Sabrina McKinney
First Grade

Deonna Tourtellot
Third Grade

Carrie Baldwin
Second Grade

Alisha Bush
Second Grade

Taylor Dobson
Third Grade

Shana Johnson
Fourth Grade

Reise Way
Fourth Grade

Barbara Lane
Fifth Grade

Carolyn Philpot
Fifth Grade

Dorothy Roma
Sixth Grade

Charles Shay
Sixth Grade

Brandon Nanni
Middle School Science

Jenna Oatsvall
Middle School Social Studies

Sonia Schreiber
Middle School Reading

Paula Bloker
Reading Specialist

Audrey Eaton
Special Education Resource Teacher

Michelle Lynch
Special Education Teacher

Stacy Maturo
Special Education Resource Teacher

Lindsey Rasmussen
Physical Education

Cathy Martinez

Joni Rubinstein

Beth Slater
Art Teacher

Tiffany Massie

Terri Allen
Reading Specialist

Jennifer McCain
Speech Therapist


Eleanor Alfaro
ESS Paraprofessional

Jacob Bellah
ESS Paraprofessional

Taylor Bellah
ESS Paraprofessional

Cathy Boyer
Autism Education Assistant

Ilah Bush
Instructional Education Assistant

Larissa Carrillo
ESS Paraprofessional

Hope Cotsonas
Autism Education Assistant/Transportation

Laura Enriquez
ESS Paraprofessional

Baylee Johnson
ESS Paraprofessional

Samantha Krammes
Special Education Instruction Assistant

Audree Macias
ESS Paraprofessional

Alma Nolasco
Autism Education Assistant/Transportation

Gabriela Palacios
ESS Paraprofessional

Willow Paschen
ESS Paraprofessional

Pam Peevy
ESS Paraprofessional & Nutrition Services

Kera Prosser
Instructional Education Assistant

Renee Prosser
ESS Paraprofessional

Diana Robles
Autism Education Assistant

Kathryn Schwartz
Instructional Education Assistant

Cadence Tarket
Instructional Education Assistant

Imelda Toles
Instructional Education Assistant

Edna Tuatoo
Instructional Education Assistant

Eddy Villarreal
Instructional Education Assistant

Shanna Ward
ESS Paraprofessional

Adriana White
Autism Education Assistant


Ageda Corrales
Food Service Lead

Imelda Diaz
Food Service Worker

Debbie Osborn
Food Service Worker

Jerah Tyree
Cafeteria Manager

Support Staff

Therapy Dog

Renee Manriquez
Health Aide

David Moreno

Jason Tarket